The Meaning Behind The Double Infinity Symbol
The double infinity symbol, also known as the figure eight symbol or lemniscate symbol (∞∞), combines two simple infinity shapes to represent a deeper meaning of endless loops and renewal. While a single infinity symbol represents eternity and forever, placing two of them side by side takes on new significance.

The Mathematical Meaning of Double Infinity Symbol
Mathematically, the double infinity symbol is just two standard infinity symbols placed next to each other. It has no unique meaning within math on its own. The single infinity symbol (∞) represents the concept of limitlessness – something that goes on forever without bound.
The Spiritual Meaning of Double Infinity Symbol
Spiritually, the double infinity takes on additional layers of significance. Some people see it as representing:
- The endless cycles of life – birth, death and rebirth. The loops represent the eternal cycle of souls moving through different lives over and over.
- The never-ending balance of opposites – male/female, yin/yang, light/dark, etc. The two infinity loops represent the eternal balancing act between opposing yet complementary forces.
- The ceaseless flow of spiritual energy – The dual loops symbolize the constant circulation and renewal of life force, chi or prana that animates all living things.
- The eternal now – Some interpret the double infinity as meaning that while time is forever progressing in a linear fashion, the “eternal now” of the present moment expands infinitely in both directions.
So spiritually, the double infinity symbol takes on a meaning beyond simple eternity, representing an endless cycles, balance, renewal and flow that characterizes the universe on a deep level.
The Cultural Meaning of Double Infinity Symbol
Culturally, the double infinity symbol has become associated with:
- Balance – The dual loops symbolize the need to balance opposing yet complementary forces in life: work and play, activity and rest, giving and receiving, etc.
- Renewal – The figure 8 shape connotes cyclical renewal, suggesting that endings also mark new beginnings.
- Love – Some people see the double infinity as representing eternal or unconditional love that has no beginning or end.
- Unity – The intertwined loops signify the interconnectedness of all things and unified oneness that underlies apparent duality and multiplicity.
The double infinity symbol can take on meanings associated with balance, renewal, love and unity for different cultures and individuals. For many, it serves as a simple yet profound visual representation of deep truths about the nature of reality.
Overall, the double infinity symbol adds a layer of complexity and depth to the simple concept of infinity. Its intertwined loops suggest that eternity involves both endless continuation and endless cycles of renewal. The meaning ultimately depends on how you choose to personally interpret and apply this intriguing mathematical symbol.
FAQs about Double Infinity Symbol
Everlasting love
A double infinity necklace can be worn as a testament to everlasting love, with two people wearing the same necklace to represent infinity and eternity of love between them.
The triple infinity loop is an eternity symbol which refers to the bond between cultures rather than individuals. These were traditionally given as friendship offerings between tribes.