Seeking Divine Protection from the Evil Eye
The evil eye is a concept that exists across many faiths and cultures. It refers to the malicious stare that can cause misfortune, illness, or damage. Reciting protective prayers known as dua is a popular way to ward off the evil eye.

Understanding the Evil Eye
In Islam and other beliefs, the evil eye refers to envious glances and ill-intentions of others that can affect one’s wellbeing. Symptoms like unexplained sickness, bad luck, and depression can result. The evil eye is caused by weak faith, jealousy, and admiration gone wrong.
Sources of the Evil Eye
The evil eye often comes from people close to us – neighbors, friends, family. Those who give the evil eye may not even be aware they harbor jealousy or ill-will. But their unconscious negative energy manifests harmfully. Children and prosperous people are common evil eye targets.
Impacts of the Evil Eye
Potential effects of the evil eye include:
- Sudden unexplained sickness
- Chronic poor luck
- Lack of motivation
- Feeling cursed
- Nightmares
- Hair loss
- Skin problems
The evil eye causes disturbances physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Combating the Evil Eye with Dua
In Islam, dua are informal prayers of protection said for defense against evil, harm, and the jealous eyes of others. These short prayers ask God directly for safety and blessings.
Popular dua against the evil eye include:
- A’udhu billahi min ash-shayṭān ir-rajīm (“I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Satan”).
- Hasbiyallāhu lā ilāha illā huwa ‘alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabbul ‘arshil ‘adhīm (“Allah is sufficient for me, none has the right to be worshipped except Him, upon Him I rely and He is the Lord of the exalted throne”).
- Bismillāhi allāhu lā ilāha illā huwal ḥayyul qayyūm, wa audhu billāhi min ash-shayṭānir rajīm (“In the name of Allah, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the sustainer, and I seek refuge in Allah from the rejected Satan”).
Additional Protective Measures
Along with dua, other ways to protect against the evil eye include:
- Keeping strong faith and avoiding jealousy of others
- Hanging evil eye amulets in homes
- Playing ruqya sharia healing recitations
- Burning incense like frankincense
- Taking cleansing baths
- Spreading love and compassion for others
With prayer and positive intentions, the evil eye’s harm can be diminished.
Through devout dua and faith in divine protection, the effects of the evil eye can be overcome. With an open and loving heart, its powers fade in the light of God.
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The Verse of Evil Eye (Arabic: آیه وَإِن يَكَادُ) is verse 51 and 52 of Al-Qalam (Q68:51-52) in the Quran. It is usually recited for protection from the evil eye. It states: “And indeed, those who disbelieve would almost make you slip with their eyes when they hear the message, and they say: Indeed, he is mad.
How to Protect Oneself from Evil Eye
Recite Adhkar. – Recite the Sunnah morning and evening adhkār (see the book ‘Daily Adhkar’ by LWA).
Seek Blessings. – Say MāshāAllah when one is bestowed or witnesses blessings.
Avoid Being Envied.
Conceal your good.
Seeking Protection for Children.
One example of such a dua is: “Allahumma inna naj’aluka fi nuhurihim, wa na’oodhu bika min shuroorihim.” (O Allah, we place You against their backs and seek refuge in You from their evil.) Repeat this dua with sincerity and conviction multiple times, focusing on your intention to seek protection from your enemies.
al-‘ayn العين
In Islam. In Islam, the evil eye, or al-‘ayn العين, also عين الحسودة), is a common belief that individuals have the power to cause harm to people, animals or objects, by looking at them in a way that indicates jealousy.