Ways to Safeguard Against the Evil Eye Curse
The evil eye is a curse believed to cause misfortune, often from envious glares. Many cultures recognize the evil eye, using charms to fend off its harm. If you feel afflicted, try these methods to protect yourself.

Recognizing an Evil Eye Curse
You may be cursed if experiencing:
- Sudden illness or fatigue
- Bad luck streaks
- Nightmares
- Feeling drained around certain people
- Intense anxiety or depression
Pay attention to signs of sabotaged success after good news.
Remove the Evil Eye Curse
Cleanse the curse’s negative energy:
- Burn incense like rosemary, frankincense, sage.
- Take a purifying bath with sea salt.
- Visualize being surrounded by white light.
- Drink holy water.
- Get a shamanic healing session.
Removing the curse restores peace and balance.

Protective Measures and Talismans
Ward off future evil eyes using:
- Evil eye amulets and pendants.
- Hamsa hands displayed in homes or worn on necklaces.
- Blue glass evil eye beads on keychains.
- Garlic, chilies and lemons hung by entrances.
- Horseshoes over doorways.
Renew talismans regularly to strengthen their aura.
Spread Positivity
Surround yourself with upbeat energy:
- Share your good news selectively.
- Spend time in nature and sunlight.
- Practice meditation, yoga and mindfulness.
- Limit interactions with envious people.
- Visualize protective white light around you.
With these cleansing rituals and protective tools, you can defend against the bad luck and misfortune caused by the evil eye curse. Harness the power of positivity and prosperity.
Product on saleLucky Eye Bracelet$19.50
Product on saleLucky Eye Necklace$29.50
One popular dua for protection is “La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah” (“There is no power or strength except in Allah”). This dua can be used to protect oneself from any form of harm caused by the evil eye, jinn, black magic or enemies.
According to spiritual experts, the best way to remove the effects of evil eye, negativity and obstacles, take some coarse salt and rub it on your palm and then wash it off with water, while chanting that this remedy will clear all obstacles from life.
They all have one function in common: protecting the wearer from any form of bad luck. The most common form, the deep blue, also serves for calmness and promotes healthy conversation. I would say a lot of people need this one. The lighter blue version of this amulet offers protection and peace.
The Evil Eye bracelet and Evil Eye jewelry are meant to protect the wearer from malicious and envious curses. They absorb any negative energy directed at the wearer. Evil Eye items also ward off evil and provide positive, light energy to outweigh the bad. The bracelet and jewelry perform the actions of protecting the wearer from curses, absorbing negative energy sent to them, warding off evil, and providing positive energy to counteract bad energy.