Secret Symbols and Hidden Meanings Within Your Jewelry
Jewelry often contains symbols that convey deeper meanings beyond aesthetic value. These symbols can be religious, spiritual, cultural or serve as personal reminders. Understanding the symbolism within your jewelry reveals its hidden depths.

Common Jewelry Symbols
Some of the most prevalent jewelry symbols and their meanings include:
The Triangle
The triangle represents strength, stability and harmony. In many religions, the triangle points upwards symbolizing ascension to the spiritual world.
The Infinity Symbol
The infinity symbol signifies eternity, everlasting life and the immortal soul. It’s a reminder of the infinite nature of love, time and the universe.
The Hamsa Hand
The Hamsa hand wards off the evil eye and brings good fortune in Middle Eastern and Mediterranean cultures. It protects children and new endeavors.
The Heart
The heart represents love, compassion, affection and relationships that fill our hearts with joy. Heart jewelry signifies a warm and caring spirit.
The Cross
The Christian cross symbolizes Jesus’ crucifixion and sacrifice. It signifies one’s faith and devotion to Christianity.
Beyond these common symbols, various cultures have their own jewelry emblems with deep histories and cultural significance.
Religious and Spiritual Symbols
Religious jewelry symbols like the cross and crescent moon express devotion, while spiritual symbols represent aspirational beliefs and qualities wearers desire to embody.
Cultural Symbols
Jewelry symbols can define cultural identity and heritage. Native American dream catchers, Hindu om symbols and Chinese good luck charms are all culturally significant.
Personal Reminders
Initial necklaces, rings engraved with dates and birthstone jewelry serve as visual reminders of loved ones, symbolizing relationships, memories and milestones.
The hidden meanings within jewelry symbols comprise a rich symbolic language. Appreciate your jewelry beyond aesthetics to discover deeper values, beliefs and the people who enrich your life. Contemplate the symbolism within your collection to reveal layers of significance you never knew existed.

FAQs about Jewelry Symbols and Meanings
Symbols with 900 indicate that there are 900 parts per 1,000 pure platinum; whereas symbols with 950 indicate that there are 950 parts per 1,000 are pure platinum. 10K, 14K, 18K, 24K… If you only see these stamps on your piece, it means that the piece is solid gold. The numbers denote the karat fineness of the gold.
This inverted upside down triangle symbolizes the limitless strength and bravery of the powerful female. It serves as a constant reminder that whatever we put our minds to, we can achieve.
The Dara Knot is the most notable symbols for strength and courage. The Dara Knot is an intricate type of knot that resembles a tree.
Chains are a symbol of strong attachment; however, even more so than with rope knots, there are positive and negative connotations for this symbol. Chains can been seen to represent a nonconsensual bond, such as imprisonment or slavery, with broken chains representing freedom.