The Infinite Symbol of Everlasting Love
For many centuries, the infinity symbol has carried spiritual significance beyond its mathematical roots. For lovers and soulmates, this looping figure eight evokes feelings of everlasting devotion and union that transcends physical reality.
The infinity sign ∞ represents limitlessness, endlessness and eternity. As a symbol of love, it speaks of a bond which has no beginning and no end, stretching on indefinitely through time and space.

The Mathematical Symbol of Infinity
The mathematical infinity symbol denotes a number or quantity which exceeds all boundaries. To the human mind, the notion of “infinity” stirs thoughts of the boundless, the immortal and the divine.
For soulmates, the infinity symbol points to a spiritual connection which exists beyond our material reality. Lovers throughout history have used the symbol to signify their affection continues eternally,”without end” in the spirit realm.
The Loop of Eternal Union
The shape of the infinity symbol – a continuous loop without interruptions – evokes the timeless bond between two souls destined for reunion throughout eternity.
To the spiritual eye, the figure eight represents how souls attract and merge across multiple lifetimes – coming together, separating briefly and coming together again throughout infinity. The symbol hints at the eternal spiritual joining of soulmates across space and time.
Spiritual Symbols of Love
The infinity symbol has become a popular spiritual and romantic symbol, found in jewelry, tattoos, art and poetry. For soulmates, wearing or displaying the infinity symbol carries a spiritual promise : their love continues eternally in the spiritual realm, connecting their souls beyond physical reality.
In spiritual literature, the infinity symbol serves as a poetic metaphor for the deathless, changeless nature of true soulmate love which endures eternally through lifetime after lifetime.
To summarize, the spiritual meaning of the infinity symbol reveals an important truth about soulmate love. It has no boundaries or end. For lovers who see each other as soulmates, the infinity symbol represents their eternal union. Their souls join together in the spiritual realm. This connection lasts forever.

FAQs about Symbol of Infinity Love
The symbol for infinity enclosed within a circle or square. Originally encoded as a symbol to represent acid-free paper, this permanent paper sign was later given emoji presentation to form an infinity emoji.
Telling someone I love you to infinity and beyond gives an assurance of your never wavering love. It describes a love that’s true, pure, sure and absolute.
The infinity symbol, a figure eight on its side, variously signifies the concept of limitlessness or eternity, especially as used notationally in mathematics and metaphorically with respect to love.
Heart. The best known, universal symbol of love is the heart-shaped ideograph, and it symbolizes the core of romantic love, affectionate emotion, and caring.
The Heart. The most common symbol for unconditional love, the heart, is actually thousands of years old! The heart is one of the things that symbolize love since ancient times.