Evil Eye Jewelry: Meaning, Protection and Good Luck
The evil eye is a popular lucky charm in many places around the world. Read on to find out more about the evil eye and what it means. Also, how the evil eye keeps you and your loved ones safe.
The meaning of the evil eye
It is supposed to be a form of warding off evil, not a curse, and the story surrounding this jewel is one of the oldest, dating back to ancient Egypt. They used to be glass symbols on leather chords, but now they have been transformed into beautiful jewelry inlaid with precious stones. They usually come in two designs. One is round with an iris in the middle. One is rectangular. However, they all serve the same purpose; to ward off evil.
Usually those who are jealous or considered too lucky wear this jewelry as a kind of protection against the jealous gaze.
Evil eye bracelet meaning
One of the most popular types of evil eye jewelry is the bracelet. Most of the time, the bracelet has a small charm or bead in the shape of an eye, which is often blue or turquoise. It symbolizes protection from the evil spirit and negative energies. People of all ages often wear the bracelet because they think it will bring them luck, happiness, and wealth.
This kind of jewelry is a trendy accessory that serves a dual purpose as a protection and a fashion accessory. Wear an evil eye bracelet alone for a minimalist yet meaningful accessory, or stack it with other bracelets and bangles for a trendy layered style.
Besides, evil eye necklaces and earrings can add a pop of color and personality to any outfit. They can also be a subtle way to wear spiritual and cultural symbols every day.
Meaning of evil eye colors
The color can be different from one culture to the next and from person to person. But blue, especially shades of light blue or turquoise, is the most common color for this kind of jewelry. In many cultures, blue is thought to be the best color to protect against the evil spirit. It can also be red, green, yellow, or black, among other colors.
- Light Green offers personal power and promotes good health.
- Dark Green is good for health and anxiety.
- Pink is for calm, acceptance, and order.
- Red is for courage and confidence
- White means purity, which is not surprising.
- Purple helps fight depression. It can also represent wisdom.
- Orange is for happiness, creativity, and positive energy.
- Grey is for security.

How to protect from the evil eye?
One of the most popular ways to protect yourself from the evil spirit is to wear it. People believed that wearing this talisman can protect the wearer from harm by deflecting negative energy back to the person who sent it.
Is the evil eye real?
Though there’s no science to back it up, many people believe in its power. In Mediterranean countries, the belief of it is known as ‘the glance’ or malocchio. People believe that malicious energy can be released from the eyes of an individual with envy or ill will towards another person. This energy can then cause misfortune for its target. The same belief is also common in the Middle East and South Asia.
Who can wear the evil eye?
Even though anyone can wear it, there may be cultural traditions or beliefs that say who can or cannot wear it.
Several cultures think that pregnant women, mourners, and men should not wear this jewelry. Before you wear or give evil eye jewelry or talismans, it’s always a good idea to do some research or talk to someone who knows about the cultural traditions and beliefs surrounding the it.
What does it mean when the evil eye breaks?
If your evil eye breaks, it means that you have successfully resisted so much negative energy that it breaks. However, this is not entirely good news, as it means that you are surrounded by so much negative energy. If your eye jewelry is broken, you should replace it as soon as possible.
Can the evil eye be any color?
Yes, the eye symbol can be any color. However, the most common colors are white and blue eyes.
Blue is often seen as a cleansing color, while white represents purity.
Other colors can also be used for the eye amulets and charms, depending on the specific symbolism associated with that color in that particular culture.
In conclusion, the evil eye symbol is a powerful symbol of protection and good luck. No matter what color you decide, know that it will bring good luck and safety to the wearer.